Sundar Pichai’s Bold Move Shakes Up Google AI!

In a significant development within the tech industry, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, has openly addressed concerns regarding the company’s artificial intelligence chatbot, known as Gemini, which was previously referred to as Bard. This move came after a series of complaints about the AI producing biased and inappropriate content, an issue Pichai did not … Read more

Google CEO Sundar Pichai Drops Bombshell Warning on More Layoffs – Inside Story Unveiled!

The dawn of 2024 has proven to be a grim period for the global tech workforce, witnessing over 7,500 job cuts within the first fortnight of January. This unsettling trend has been underscored by Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, who delivered a cautionary message to employees, hinting at more layoffs on the horizon. Pichai, at the … Read more